Sunday, 25 November 2012

Oil Painting In Advance Of The Broken Armr From Marcel Duchamp - Buy Hand Painted Oil Reproduction

In advance of the broken arm (1915) Snow shovel on which he carefully painted its title. The first piece the artist called a readymade. New to America Duchamp had never seen a snow shovel not manufactured in France. With fellow Frenchman Jean Crotti he purchased it from a stack of them took it to their shared studio painted the title and from Marcel Duchamp 1915 on it and hung it from a wire in the studio. Many years later a replica of the piece is said to have been mistaken for an ordinary snow shovel and used to move snow off the sidewalks of Chicago.

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Artwork Marcel Duchamp, Reproduction Marcel Duchamp, Copy Marcel Duchamp, Painting Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Dadaism Marcel Duchamp, Scene Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Buy Marcel Duchamp

Oil Painting Traveller S Folding Item From Marcel Duchamp - Buy Hand Painted Oil Reproduction

Traveller's Folding Item (1916) is a readymade by Marcel Duchamp. Underwood Typewriter cover. Through the years his own concept of the readymades kept changing. My intention was to get away from myself though I knew perfectly well that I was using myself. Call it a little game between I and me .

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Artwork Marcel Duchamp, Reproduction Marcel Duchamp, Copy Marcel Duchamp, Painting Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Dadaism Marcel Duchamp, Scene Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Buy Marcel Duchamp

Oil Painting Comb From Marcel Duchamp - Buy Hand Painted Oil Reproduction

Comb (1916) is a readymade by Marcel Duchamp. Steel dog grooming comb inscribed along the edge in white 3 ou 4 gouttes de hauteur n ont rien a faire avec la sauvagerie M.D. Feb. 17 1916 11 a.m. ( Three or Four Drops of Height [or Haughtiness] Have Nothing to Do with Savagery. ).

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Artwork Marcel Duchamp, Reproduction Marcel Duchamp, Copy Marcel Duchamp, Painting Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Dadaism Marcel Duchamp, Scene Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Buy Marcel Duchamp

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Oil Painting Fresh Widow From Marcel Duchamp - Buy Hand Painted Oil Reproduction

Duchamp created the original Fresh Widow in New York in 1920. The title is one of those puns that Duchamp loved. In the United States most windows open upwards. The rare hinged windows that open inwards are called French Windows. Thus French Window led to Fresh Widow and the black squares mirrored her mourning.

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Artwork Marcel Duchamp, Reproduction Marcel Duchamp, Copy Marcel Duchamp, Painting Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Dadaism Marcel Duchamp, Scene Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Buy Marcel Duchamp

Oil Painting Trap From Marcel Duchamp - Buy Hand Painted Oil Reproduction

Trap (1917) is a readymade by Marcel Duchamp Wood and metal coatrack. Duchamp submitted it to a show at the Bourgeois Art Gallery and asked that it be placed near the entryway. It went unnoticed as art during the show.

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Artwork Marcel Duchamp, Reproduction Marcel Duchamp, Copy Marcel Duchamp, Painting Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Dadaism Marcel Duchamp, Scene Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Buy Marcel Duchamp

Oil Painting Paris Air From Marcel Duchamp - Buy Hand Painted Oil Reproduction

Paris Air (50 cc air de Paris Paris Air or Air de Paris) (1919) is a readymade by Marcel Duchamp consisting a glass ampoule containing air from Paris. Duchamp took the ampoule to New York in 1920 and gave it to Walter Arensberg as a gift. The original was broken and replaced in 1949 by Duchamp.

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Artwork Marcel Duchamp, Reproduction Marcel Duchamp, Copy Marcel Duchamp, Painting Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Dadaism Marcel Duchamp, Scene Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Buy Marcel Duchamp

Oil Painting Glider Containing Water Mill In Neighboring Metals From Marcel Duchamp - Buy Hand Painted Oil Reproduction

Glider Containing Water Mill in Neighboring Metals (1913-15) is a artwork by Marcel Duchamp with Oil and lead wire on glass. Now in the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

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Artwork Marcel Duchamp, Reproduction Marcel Duchamp, Copy Marcel Duchamp, Painting Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Dadaism Marcel Duchamp, Scene Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Buy Marcel Duchamp

Oil Painting With Hidden Noise From Marcel Duchamp - Buy Hand Painted Oil Reproduction

With Hidden Noise (12.7 x 12.7 x 13 cm) is a readymade by Marcel Duchamp. Duchamp made the artwork with a ball of twine between two brass plates joined by four long screws containing unknown object added by Walter Arensberg.

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Artwork Marcel Duchamp, Reproduction Marcel Duchamp, Copy Marcel Duchamp, Painting Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Dadaism Marcel Duchamp, Scene Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Buy Marcel Duchamp

Oil Painting Paradise From Marcel Duchamp - Buy Hand Painted Oil Reproduction

Paradise is a oil on canvas painting by Marcel Duchamp. In the painting Adam is standing with his both hands covering his sex while Eve is sitting on the ground. It is housed in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

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Artwork Marcel Duchamp, Reproduction Marcel Duchamp, Copy Marcel Duchamp, Painting Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Dadaism Marcel Duchamp, Scene Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Buy Marcel Duchamp

Oil Painting Why Not Sneeze Rose Sélavy From Marcel Duchamp - Buy Hand Painted Oil Reproduction

Why not Sneeze Rose Sélavy? is a 1921 readymade sculpture by Marcel Duchamp. Duchamp made the piece as a birdcage containing a thermometer a piece of cuttlebone and 152 marble cubes. He crafted the cubes to look like sugar cubes. Only when lifting the cage does it become clear that it is much heavier than it would be if the cubes were made of sugar. About the sculpture Duchamp said: It is a Readymade in which the sugar is changed to marble. It is sort of a mythological effect.

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Artwork Marcel Duchamp, Reproduction Marcel Duchamp, Copy Marcel Duchamp, Painting Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Dadaism Marcel Duchamp, Scene Marcel Duchamp, Oil Marcel Duchamp, Buy Marcel Duchamp